jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Este no es mio, pero es tuyo.

Te digo adiós, y acaso te quiero todavía
Quizá no he de olvidarte, pero te digo adiós.
No sé si me quisiste... no sé si te quería...
O tal vez nos quisimos demasiado los dos.

Este cariño triste, apasionado y loco 
me lo sembré en el alma para quererte a ti.
No sé si te amé mucho... no sé si te amé poco;
pero sí sé que nunca volveré a amar así.

Me queda tu sonrisa dormida en mi recuerdo,
y el corazón me dice que no te olvidaré;
pero al quedarme solo, sabiendo que te pierdo
tal vez empiezo a amarte como jamás te amé.

Te digo adiós y acaso con esta despedida,
mi más hermoso sueño muere dentro de mi...
Pero te digo adiós, para toda la vida,
aunque toda la vida siga pensando en ti.

José Angel Buesa


It’s like touching the sky with the tips of your fingers
It’s like grabbing a piece of cloud just to let it go
It’s like the sweetest star powder flying away from your hand.
It’s like the very end of the very beginning of a story already known.

Couldn’t cross the hawthorn that guarded my price
And so the departure I must sit down to see
Away from the castle I once though I had
Away from any treasure I could have dreamt with

For this castle the founds I never Knew
Although the ceiling was clear as sun
Walls were made of the softest cotton
Though it felt like the hardest rock.

Ethereal substances are not supposed to be grabbed
Of freedom I could never keep a hold
As Clouds are meant to float in the blue
Sad ends are meant to colour a grey sight.

Today I know 
from this path there’s no turning back
Today I’m just letting go 
every hope and every joy.

I’m closing my eyes 
to feel a dew I already know
And since this trip has started
I know I cannot return.